Welcome to the λόγος ⟦“LÓGOS”⟧ project!
διὸ δεῖ ἕπεσθαι τῷ (ξυνῷ, τουτέστι τῷ) κοινῷ· ξυνὸς γὰρ ὁ κοινός. τοῦ λόγου δὲ ἐόντος ξυνοῦ ζώουσιν οἱ πολλοὶ ὡς ἰδίαν ἔχοντες φρόνησιν.
“We should let ourselves be guided by what is common to all… Yet, although the Lógos is common to all, most people live as if each of them had their own private understanding.”
- Ἡράκλειτος ὁ Ἐφέσιος ≍ Heraclitus of Ephesus
- Logical fallacies or cognitive biases are identifiable flaws or errors in reasoning…
- Whether deliberately or unconsciously, these “tricks” or illusions or mistakes of thought can often be misused by devious sophistry to irrationally mislead people, and tend to be particularly prevalent in the rhetoric of demagogic politicians or unscrupulous media pundits. Don’t be fooled!
- This website seeks to empower you to more accurately recognize&identify, better avoid in your own thinking, and even capably expose or cogently refute a plethora of specific categories of fallacies or cognitive biases.
🖖🏼 Greetings from the primary ✍🏼 author&webmaster behind this project! 🧠
B.F. Griffith is just another middle-aged nerdy intellectual with too many hobbies and never enough time for them all; he’s a verbose, sardonic, discerning, skeptical, and sometimes cynical iconoclast-but also a convivial, amiable, voluptuary, and humanistic Epicurean. As a former history teacher and longtime student of philosophy with a keen interest in historiography, he spends much of his free time happily dwelling in the past (or in fantastical worlds of his own imagining), and he is an insatiable bibliophile. 📖♥️